We will upload any required information/documentation required by ArmyignitED. Which can include:
- Semester enrollment
- Degree plans
- Academic History
- Please be aware that if we receive this after the start of a course, you may not be able to use TA for the course.
- Log into your ArmyignitED account and request the TA for all or select courses.
- If you do not see the courses that you are enrolled in, please contact us at veterns@nku.edu as soon as possible.
* This is an Army ArmyignitED/DOD policy, not an NKU policy.
All Others
Visit Military.com's Tuition Assistance page for a complete list
Veterans Resource Station
Northern Kentucky University
Nunn Drive, UC 131
Highland Heights, KY 41099
Phone: (859) 572-7867
E-mail: veteransresource@nku.edu
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- NKU News & Media Center
Northern Kentucky University
Nunn Drive | Highland Heights, Kentucky 41099