File a Complaint Against a Health Facility or Health Care Regulation Representative

If you have knowledge that an acute health care facility regulated by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission has provided substandard care to its patients or clients, you may file a complaint with HHSC.

Information to Provide When Making a Complaint

Before filing a complaint with HHSC, please be prepared to provide the following information:

Please note: HHS keeps your name and the names of others involved in the complaint confidential, unless required to release it by law under the Public Information Act. If you choose to remain anonymous, HHS will not be able to provide you the results of the investigation.

How to Submit a Complaint Against a Regulated Acute Health Care Facility

You may submit a complaint in one of the following ways:

Please note: If your complaint is regarding an abortion facility, the complaint must be in writing and you may not remain anonymous in accordance with Texas Administrative Code Title 25, Section 139.31(c)(2).

Submitting a Complaint Against Health Care Facilities (Except Substance Abuse [Chemical Dependency] Treatment or Narcotic or Opioid Treatment Facilities)

This includes abortion facilities, ambulatory surgical centers, birthing centers, community mental health centers, comprehensive out-patient rehabilitation facilities, crisis stabilization units, end stage renal disease facilities, freestanding emergency medical care facilities, hospitals, out-patient physical therapy, portable x-ray services, rural health clinics, and special care facilities.

Submitting a Complaint Against Substance Abuse (Chemical Dependency) or Narcotic or Opioid Treatment Facilities

How We Process Complaints Against Regulated Acute Health Care Facilities

HHSC Health Facility Compliance Unit receives complaints against regulated acute health care facilities. Steps for handling complaints are:

HHSC Enforcement Unit may take state licensing enforcement action against a regulated entity.

The Health Care Financing Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services may take federal enforcement action against a regulated entity.

File a Complaint Against a Health Care Regulation Representative

Email HHSC INFOHFLC to submit a complaint against a Health Care Regulation staff member.